Matthew Chapters Three and Four

The meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Format: Google Meet and In-Person

  1. John the Baptist Baptized the citizens of what cities and regions?
  2. Where did John baptize people?
  3. Did those who were baptized confess their sins?
  4. Why did John compare the Jewish religious leaders to fruit trees that did not grow good fruit?
  5. What did he say should be done to trees that produce bad or no fruit?
  6. Did John baptize Jesus or did Jesus baptize John?
  7. Did Jesus have a dove land on him after he was baptized?
  8. Did Jesus begin to preach saying “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” by the sea of Galilee?
  9. Where did Jesus meet Simon called Peter and Andrew?
  10. Were James and John brothers?
  11. Did Jesus preach in Jewish synagogues all about Galilee?
  12. Why did Jesus heal the sick, possessed, and crippled?