The meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Format: Google Meet and In-Person
- John the Baptist Baptized the citizens of what cities and regions?
- Where did John baptize people?
- Did those who were baptized confess their sins?
- Why did John compare the Jewish religious leaders to fruit trees that did not grow good fruit?
- What did he say should be done to trees that produce bad or no fruit?
- Did John baptize Jesus or did Jesus baptize John?
- Did Jesus have a dove land on him after he was baptized?
- Did Jesus begin to preach saying “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” by the sea of Galilee?
- Where did Jesus meet Simon called Peter and Andrew?
- Were James and John brothers?
- Did Jesus preach in Jewish synagogues all about Galilee?
- Why did Jesus heal the sick, possessed, and crippled?