Matthew Chapters One and Two

Wednesday, July 30 bible study

Matthew 1-2

  • Solomon the richest and wisest man
  • David the king
  • Abraham the anointed

  • 1:16 Why was knowing about this bloodline so important?
  • 1:17 How many generations from the time they were carried away to Babylon until Christ was born?
  • 1:17 How many from David to Babylon?
  • 1:17 How many generations from Abraham to David?
  • 1:18 Who were Jesus‘s parents?
  • 1:19 What convinced Joseph, to not expose Mary?
  • 1:19 What was special about Joseph?
  • Jesus is the child of the?
  • Why is Jesus called Christ?
  • 1: 21 What did the Lord say to Joseph about what Jesus would do for man? That Jesus would save man from his sins
  • 1:23 A prophet predicted that Jesus Christ would be born of a virgin, what was he supposed to be named?
  • 2:1 Where was Jesus born?
  • 2:1 Who was the king during the time Jesus was born?
  • 2:1 From what direction did the Wisemen come?
  • 2:1 Where did the Wiseman first arrive? What was the name of the city?
  • 2:2 What were they looking for?
  • 2:2 What gave them the idea that the king of the Jews was in Jerusalem?
  • 2:2 What did the Wiseman come to do?
  • 1:3 Who was troubled by the news of the birth of the king of the Jews?
  • 2:4 When he gathered together all his priests and scribes, what did he demand of them?
  • 2:5 Where did the people scribes and prophets say the Christ would be born?
  • 2:6 The prophet predicted that Christ would be the ________ of the people of Israel
  • 2:8 – 2:13 King Herod asked the Wisemen what time the star appeared. “And then sent them to Bethlehem and said go and search diligently for the young child, and when you have found him bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.”
    What do you think Harrod wanted to do with the child?
  • 2:8 When the Wisemen followed the star, it led them to what city?
  • 2:11 What did the Wiseman do when they saw the baby with Mary?
  • 2:11 What did they give the baby?
  • 2:12 After they visited, the baby, the Wiseman did not return to Harrod. Why?
  • 2:13 An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him what?
  • 2:13 Why did the angel tell him to go to Egypt?
  • 2:14 When did Joseph leave during the day or at night?
  • 2:15 The prophet of the Old Testament was told by God that his son would be called out of where?
  • 2:16 When Herod found out the Wisemen left, he became angry. What did he do?
  • 2:18 Jeremy, the Prophet’s prediction came true how?
  • 2:19 When he died an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph telling him it was time to take the child and his mother to the land of Israel
  • 2:22 Joseph was afraid to go to Judea because of who?
  • 2:23 Joseph went to the city of_________ Instead which was spoken by the prophets
  • 2:23 Joseph, Mary and Jesus would be called?


  1. What was important about chapters one and two for you?
  2. What miracles took place that stood out to you?
  3. How can these miracles give you faith in God?
The birthplace of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, is believed to be in the region of Bethlehem, located in the historical land of Judea, which is now part of the West Bank. After his birth, the Holy Family, consisting of Jesus, his mother Mary, and his foster father Joseph, fled to Egypt to escape the persecution of King Herod. This journey to Egypt, as described in the Bible, is a significant event in the life of Jesus and the early Christian tradition.